e-mail address:
Phone number:
(+48) 606-382-174
(+48) 583524221
I invite all those interested to visit
The shop was opened in Gdansk in October 2012.
address stationary shop::
Antykwariat Numizmatyczny
ul. Jesionowa 17
80-261 Gdańsk - Wrzeszcz
open shop hours: 10-15 (Monday to Friday)
The shop is located in the central part of the district Wrzeszcz in Gdansk.
Easy and simple access from the airport. Lech Walesa, near are bus, tram and train (distance from 200 to 500 meters)
<ahref="https: style="color:#0000ff;text-align:left" "="" maps?f="q&source=embed&hl=pl&geocode=&q=gda%c5%84sk+ulica+gaulle'a&aq=&sll=54.37917,18.604467&sspn=0.006549,0.021136&ie=utf8&hq=&hnear=genera%c5%82a+charlesa+de+gaulle'a,+gda%c5%84sk,+pomorskie&t=m&ll=54.379508,18.603888&spn=0.017496,0.036478&z=14&iwloc=a" maps.google.pl="">Wyświetl większą mapę